The blue mom meaningful manifest Through the back and forth of life, we can find meaning in e verything and everyone we encounter . As we walk in life on our busiest day, we encounter a ray of hope. In other cases, we might encounter a storm , either way we gained an d lost in some ways. T his is one way to remain positive in our everyday chaos . We have many tasks and responsibilities each day, mine is being a blue mom, among others. Whether a cup of coffee keeps us going or the many responsibilities we are due for , l ife must always carry on. One should always look for the positive side of every moment. We must walk everyday thinking that there are still some good people out there , even if it is your turn to be th a t good person . One random act of kindness at a time can change the world. At least the world for one person. Whether we are driving to work or shopping at the supermarket there is always something we can do to make this a be tter wor
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The moment finally came When our soul s encountered The child in my w omb jumped with delight M y soul rejoices Your presence is the acclaimed succor Our souls are reunited once again More than a cousin my sister My heart rejoices Oh, what a grateful heart U nselfishness vastly illustrious Who forgets oneself to aid another My s pirit rejoices Oh, the tender wom e n cannot believe their sight Their eyes contemplate such an event Reunited, what a felicity to perceive My heart rejoices (Maria Bello, 2023) Let us take a closer look at Bill Viola’s The Greeting the video and the oil on panel of Jac opo Pont o rmo The V isitation c . These art pieces attracted my attention due to their significant importance . The art pieces do a marvelous job transmitting emotions through facial expressions. The person appreciating these art pieces can intake the feelings conveyed through them. My poem intend s to speak of what the painting s