The blue mom meaningful manifest 

Through the back and forth of life, we can find meaning in everything and everyone we encounter. As we walk in life on our busiest day, we encounter a ray of hope. In other cases, we might encounter a storm, either way we gained and lost in some ways. This is one way to remain positive in our everyday chaos. We have many tasks and responsibilities each day, mine is being a blue mom, among others. Whether a cup of coffee keeps us going or the many responsibilities we are due for, life must always carry on. 

One should always look for the positive side of every moment. We must walk everyday thinking that there are still some good people out there, even if it is your turn to be that good person. One random act of kindness at a time can change the world. At least the world for one person. Whether we are driving to work or shopping at the supermarket there is always something we can do to make this a better world. For example, just smiling at the person next to you in the checkout line. You never know what battles these people are fighting, so being kind is the least one can do to help. 

Among my blogs a few of them stand out and speak a bit more about this concept. I would love for my readers to see through my post what I intend to say. Let us take for instance the post about my house and what the architecture says about my personality. I wanted to show how welcoming, and family oriented the structure of my home is. The pictures are a powerful addition to the article that makes for a practical and homely kind of place. This was intended so that the reader can understand a bit more about my pleasant environment. 

Another post that I would like to reflect on is the day I accidentally walked into a wedding at church. I believe there is a divine plan for each of us, and all things happen for a reason. This event made me more aware of spontaneous events. The unplanned moments sometimes can be more rewarding than preplanned events. 

Furthermore, there are things we are missing out on just because we tend to be prejudiced. We are so accustomed to taking advice from others and reading reviews and we end up judging books by the reviews on their covers. We must explore different genres in music, literature, and art. For example, the movie Le Jette was quite interesting and different from what I am accustomed to watching. I will be more open to different things now that I know of the infinite possibilities. Those of which I have not given them a chance. 

Along those lines was my experience with the movie the Re-enactment. This was also a bit different from what I normally watch. As I mentioned before, we are so program from young children to have a story with beginning, middle and end. Scrutinizing movies and videos that challenge our perception and understanding is quite an exercise for our brains. This has helped me see the world through a different lens. 

I also had two posts regarding a couple of quite different art pieces one was The Flower Vender by Diego Rivera and the second one was The Village by Fernand Leger. As usual, my intention is to make sense of what I see. The Village was like an arial view of a village, and I made me imagine the many houses and buildings in this marvelous village. The colors were beautiful, and the entire village was coordinated and was something understandable to me. The second art piece was The Flower Vender, one of my favorite paintings. The colors are astonishing. The essence and the thought that there is someone helping the lady are meaningful to me. The person behind the flower vender represents hope and gives meaning to the painting. When the workload gets heavy the hope is to find someone that helps you get on your feet. This is a significant theme in Diego Rivera’s painting. 

This significance goes along with the two other art pieces I chose to discuss in my last post. Bill Viola’s The Greeting and Jacopo Pontormo The Visitation c. Both pieces remind me that is hope for humanity, that even the Mother of God became a servant to her cousin Elizabeth. That we should also do our best to help others when possible. The artists did an excellent job transmitting the message in the painting and video. Nevertheless, we should all intend to find our own meaning, our own interpretation of it. One should go to a gallery thinking about what is in it for me, particularly what this art piece is trying to tell me and not to everyone. 

In summary we must find meaning in everything we see and hear. There are always opportunities for growth when we keep this in mind. Including the challenging ones, for example the video that does not make sense to us. These videos and art pieces stimulate distinct parts of our brains and help us think creatively. In a sense It provides for more knowledge and empathy as well. 


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